Health : How to assess - Principles

Ideally, work with a health professional who practices Functional Medicine.

The California Center for Functional Medicine explain Functional medicine in a very clear way:

  • Investigative. Addresses symptoms by focusing on the underlying cause of the problem, which leads to more profound and longer lasting results.

  • Holistic. Envisions the body as an interconnected whole that is in dynamic relationship to its environment, and recognizes the importance of these connections in health and disease.

  • Safe. Treatments have mild or no side effects, and other unrelated complaints often improve spontaneously.

  • Patient-centered. Treats the patient, not the disease. Treatments are highly individualized based on patient needs.

  • Participatory. Patient is respected, empowered, educated and encouraged to play active role in healing process.

  • Integrative. Combines the best of both modern and traditional medicines and emphasizes importance of diet and lifestyle.

  • Restorative. Tests and treatments designed to promote optimal function, prevent and reverse disease, and improve quality of life.

  • Preventative. Guided by the ancient Chinese saying, β€œThe superb physician treats disease before it occurs.”

  • Evidence-based. Based on the latest research from peer-reviewed medical journals, and uncorrupted by corporate and political interests.

WellnessJessica Scilipoti